Latest News
  1. Aiden Cranford, Nick Musso, Gabe Westry
  2. William Andre, John Whisenhunt, Chris Lawter,
  3. Atticus Barton, Parker Johnson, Brady Sheppard,
  4. Makale Holden, Alijah Abram, Emerson Milligan,
  5. Brayden Urban, Baylor Hardy, Walker Garrett

About Us

Hoover Baseball Club was established to compete in area competitive baseball leagues and tournaments.  Our organization has been part of travel baseball since September 2007. We coach the coach to coach the kids. Our initial team was formed from area players zoned for Hoover High School and competed 10u -15u play. That core group of players won the Alabama High School State Championship in 2017.

We do not conduct team tryouts but encourage teams to be brought to us as a unit.  Individual players interested in finding a team within our organization is encouraged to contact us directly for roster spots that become available.

Where We Play

Tournaments are held across the southeast with local and regional tournaments. Larger regional tournaments that HBC plays annually range from Atlanta, Memphis and Orlando.  Our 12u teams always participate in the Cooperstown Field of Dreams Tournament in New York.

Local tournaments usually stay within a 1 hour commute from Birmingham, Al. Most recently, our younger teams have begun play in Over The Mountain Competitive League. Our tournament schedule and games played will be based on tournament availability and teams entered throughout the Southeast region.


Coaching Philosophy

It is important that a coach take more than a casual interest in the players.  Competition is an important element of any sport.  Don’t talk to kids about the “need for winning this game” or “how important it is to win.”  We have a strong belief in hard work, discipline, and a desire to get better every day.  We thrive on competition and improving daily for each challenge.  If a player can handle competition and strives to do his very best, then he will be prepared for any opponent he faces on or off the field.  Winning will take care of itself.

We also want to prepare each of our athletes for the next level.  Some players do not have the God-given ability to play high school baseball.  But it is our thinking that all players will be given an opportunity to prepare themselves for this challenge, both in their baseball skills and their mental approach.

The basis of this philosophy comes from three actions we emphasize with all players:

  • Be ready.
  • Have a game plan.
  • Execute your plan.

If the players follow this simple approach, they will be independently successful, and our teams will also be successful.

Coaching Style

Our coaching style is very simple.  Prepare each athlete to play the game to the best of his ability.  We do this by putting pressure on him in practice comparable to that of a game situation.  When he is in the pressure of the game and must execute at a higher level, he will have the skills and confidence taught in practice and repeated in self drive.  Demand a lot in practice, both physically and mentally.  Practice is your time.  Games are their time; time to showcase their talents and abilities.  We like to incorporate evaluations through filming with positive and constructive immediate feedback.

Primary Coaching Objectives

  1. Be firm and fair.
  2. Explain, and be thorough.
  3. Never stop teaching and learning the game.
  4. Role model respect.
  5. Have fun.

Mission Statement

Hoover Baseball Club’s mission is to provide a high quality tournament baseball program to children living in areas where public schools are zoned to attend Hoover High School.  We seek to provide those players who have the interest, dedication and abilities the opportunity to develop their character and baseball skills through instruction, training and an expanded number of games against the best competition available.
