Latest News
  1. Aiden Cranford, Nick Musso, Gabe Westry
  2. William Andre, John Whisenhunt, Chris Lawter,
  3. Atticus Barton, Parker Johnson, Brady Sheppard,
  4. Makale Holden, Alijah Abram, Emerson Milligan,
  5. Brayden Urban, Baylor Hardy, Walker Garrett

Contact Us

Please let us know if you have a question or would like further information about the Hoover Baseball Club.

Head Office
3682 James Hill Terrace
(205) 821-9050
Monday–Friday: 2:00 PM–6:00 PM office

Recruiting inquiries

For more information regarding current player and team opportunities, please contact:
Casey Bentley
Recruiting Manager
  • (205) 601-0333

Press Inquiries

If you are a member of the press and would like to speak with someone at HBC, please contact:
Ana-Maria Gage
Marketing Manager
  • (205) 529-6557